Monday, April 10, 2017

Reading a Photo #4

Anton Vaganov / Reuters
The atlantic photos of the week 4/1-4/7

1) Look at this photograph for a moment. What observations can you make about it?

The person is covered in blood, obviously a victim of some attack

2) What interests you most about this work of art?

It's suggestive in that it doesn't show a face or any real background, just a person covering 
their injury with their jacket, which is also covered in what appears to be blood.

3) What do you think is happening in this photograph? What else could be happening?

I would have to say this is probably from the St. Petersburg attack as that were the most recent in this wave of terror. It might have also been stabbing of sorts somewhere.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Cherry Blossoms (6)

History #3

1) Who made this photo?
Robert Cornelius

2) What year was it made?

3) How long was approx. exposure time?
a minute

4) Why is this photo significant?
It was the first self portrait photo ever taken, the first "selfie"