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How would you describe this photograph to a person who could not see it?
A Woman with a headscarf and a cloth covering her mouth that reads, "I have voice", stands facing the camera looking rather somber.
What is closer to you? Further away?
Up front is the woman, there appears to be a building in the background, and what seems to be some other protestors. It's clear that the main focus is the woman in the foreground.
What do you think is good about this photograph? What is not so good?
What I find most interesting is that the words on her mask are english. The photo was taken in Indonesia, and though I don't know much about the country, I don't believe English in the commonly spoken language. Also, the fact that it's broken English suggests this is not her first language. It makes you wonder if maybe this protest is more directed at the current state of OUR country. Obviously this woman is appealing to some English speaker, though which is unclear. The placement of the words as well, and the irony of it is very effective.